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96 Well Plate PPM

96 Well Plate Positive Pressure Manifold provides consistent gas flow for up to 96 cartridges in applications such as SPE
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96 Well Plate Positive Pressure Manifold

* High affinity and Selectivity
* Lowered quantification limits
* High Re-productivity and repeatability
* Robust Materials

Applications :
* Sample Preparations
* Perfect Clean-up
* Selective extraction
* Trace analysis
* Enrichment

Regulated flow from 0 to 50 mL/min.

 Full flow mode for column drying.

Accommodate many column sizes

96PPM - 96 & 48 positions well plates

Collect rack options

Standard trays for collecting into 16mm or 13mm vials.  Custom trays upon request.

Positive Pressure from Nitrogen or Air

Positive pressure gives precise results run-to-run and operator-to-operator.  Use nitrogen or air, as necessary for your method.